Camarena Health celebrated National Women’s health week by hosting the third Women’s Health & Wellness Conference that took place on May 11, 2018 at the Pan American Center in Madera, CA. The goal of this conference was to empower women to make their health a priority and to help them understand what steps they can take to increase their health. Camarena Health understands that through education and empowerment, women can positively make changes that will improve their health. The conference targeted women in the underserved area of Madera County. Women in the surrounding areas were also welcomed to attend.
Thank you to our event partners!
With this year’s theme “Your Health at Every Age,” the conference focused on women’s health issues at different ages and different stages of life. Attendees received educational workshops covering the topics of Breast & Cervical Cancer, Menopause, Pregnancy Wellness, Post-Partum Depression, and Building Healthy Relationships. We believe that health & wellness encompasses both physical and mental health.
Over 160 ladies attended the conference. These ladies received free informational sessions, a free lunch, a free resource fair where local agencies provided information on women’s health and health care access programs, goodie bags, and a conference giveaway for everyone. We hope that the conference provided a comfortable learning and empowering environment. Overall, we hope that the message received was that it is never too early or too late to take care of your health!