Madera South Health Pathway
Trauma, Resilience, and the Power of Relationships
In October, Madera South’s Mr. Coppola and two Madera South ROP MedicalCareer alumni were able to present at the Trauma, Resilience, and the Power of Relationships Regional Convening hosted by the California School-BasedHealth Alliance. These brave students spoke about their efforts on campus to break stigmas around mental and behavioral health with their peers. Many of our SBHC staff and MUSD school district staff were in attendance to cheer them on
Mr. Coppola shared how one of the health path-way students flourished throughout the program, saying, “I watched [them] transform, their attitude improved, their grades improved, and even their self-confidence improved.
The students in the program learned about how to help peers with behavioral health issues. Through their learning, they realized they were going through some of the same things and were able to experience healing.