We are humbled and astonished, yet again, at the remarkable growth and success another year has brought to Camarena Health. The year of 2016 was a defining year in many ways. In the literal sense, Camarena Health’s Leadership Team and Board of Directors collaboratively defined six Core Operating Values that not only serve as a compass which guides all our organizational efforts, but also the standard by which all our efforts are measured.
Quality | Camarena Health consistently provides the highest quality, innovative, patient-centered care to our community.
Caring | Camarena Health demonstrates compassion and empathy in every facet of healthcare delivery. We understand our patients’ unique needs and life circumstances, and we offer resources and support to our patients and their families.
Collaboration | Camarena Health has established itself as a valuable member of our community. We collaborate with a wide variety of community partners, advocate for the highest quality of life, and understand the critical importance of thinking beyond our walls.
Integrity | Camarena Health holds itself to the highest level of integrity in its administrative activities, service delivery, and community activities and partnerships. Accountability, honesty, and reliability are ingrained within the foundation of our organization.
Respect | Camarena Health respects patient choice, and encourages individuals to actively participate and embrace their role in determining their health and wellness.
Leadership | Camarena Health is a leader in the community as well as the healthcare industry by setting the standard for quality clinical outcomes, excelling in patient satisfaction, and being proactive and responsive in meeting the diverse needs of the community.